In today's blog post, we will be covering all your FAQs on how to properly slim down your legs without adding extra bulk. Question What is the best way to slim down my legs? Answer The best way to slim down is doing cardio. Especially walking and running. This blog post here explains how walking burns fat in the thighs. Now running also helps slim down as it is very effective in burning loads of calories within a short period. Question What is fasted cardio and does it work? Answer Fasted cardio is doing your cardio in this case a walk/run first thing in the morning before having any food. Does it work? In my opinion yes it does. When you do fasted cardio the body will not have enough carbs to burn for fuel and this will force the body to use stored fat. Which is exactly what you want. Question How do you work out? Answer I do a 3*3. This is cardio 3 days a week and resistance training 3 days a week. All my runs are usually interval runs which go for around 30 minu...