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A big thank you for choosing to try this 7-day workout challenge to slim down your legs. Can't promise it will be easy but it will be fun and I hope you get to see some results.
-This program is an example of what is in the 4 week Getting Toned and Lean workout program and diet plan so if you love this be sure to grab the entire program Here later.

Okay, let's start,
  • Try to aim for around 5000 steps today.
  • Best time to walk is early in the morning before having any food. (fasted cardio)
  • You can walk at any time of the day if you cannot do it all in the morning.
  • You can try splitting it so you do it in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
  • You Can use a Pedometer to track steps. 
                                          Afternoon (workout)

  • 10 Min Inner Thigh Blast Challenge. Do not underestimate it yet! It really burns
  • It is a good lower body toning workout without adding excess bulk and really focuses mainly on the inner thighs.
  • Try to do two rounds for this. So it's around 20 Min. Take a break after round 1 then get into round 2.

                              Morning (walk)
  • Try aim for 7000 steps today.
  • You can walk on the treadmill at zero incline and 5km/hr. speed or on a flat surface.
  • Again if you can't do all steps at once split it throughout the day.
                            Afternoon ( run)
  • Run for 20 Minutes. 
  • I prefer Interval running. That is, run for 3 min then walk for 2 min. 
  • Keep doing that till the 20 Min is done.
  • Running is good as it helps burn loads of calories as well as tone the body within such a short period.
                                     Morning (walk)
  • Try aim for 8000 steps today.
  • You can walk on a treadmill or on a flat surface(Avoid incline)
  • Today, really try to do all the steps at once in the morning before having any food.
                                        Afternoon (workout)
  • This is my new favorite workout for the outer thighs. It burns a lot. 
  • Also really good to burn cellulite in the back of the thighs.
  • This is to be done 3 times. Again, you can do 1 in the morning, the second in the afternoon, and the last one in the evening just before bed.
  • It is a form of resistance training. It tones but does not bulk  
                           Morning (walk)
  • You know what's coming. It's the steps ahead!
  • 8000 again for today.
  • Today too, try to do all the steps at once at a quicker pace. If on the treadmill go to speed 6km/hr. If outside try to complete within an hour.
                     Afternoon ( Run)
  • Run Day. 
  • A 30 Min Interval Run for today.
                       Morning (Walk)
  • Almost done for the week.
  • Try aim for 10000 steps today.
  • You can split it into two: 5k under 25 minutes in the morning and 5k under 25 in the afternoon.
  • Either way you can do it all at once. Handle it like the champ you are.
                                   Afternoon (Workout)
  • Time to get our HIIT Workout of the week.
  • This one is my favorite. (It's 5 minutes so if you would have 3 to 4 rounds, that's ideal)
                                 Morning (Walk)
  • In the weekends you can always sneak in some good time for a walk.
  • Try to aim for around 10000 to 14000 steps today.
  • Just try to do it as quickly as you can if you are outside. And 6km/hr if you are using a treadmill. Remember to walk on a flat surface and with zero inclines.
                                      Afternoon (Workout)
  • A quick booty workout to close off the week.
  • Just 8 min for this one. Simple but so effective.
Start the 4 Weeks workout Program  Here

                                Rest and Recovery Day (Yay you did it!)
  • A full rest and recovery day.
  • Let those muscles relax
Hope you enjoyed this plan. 


  1. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them down here

    1. Instead of running on the running days. can i play tennis or will it bulk up my legs?

    2. That is a great alternative. I would totally do it. The run is usually 20 - 30 min so I am assuming you'll play for almost the same time.

    3. I have been running a lot and doing lots of Juninho and strength training exercising for smaller calves and a thigh gap but my calves got bigger. Can you tell me if I should do this 1 week program?

    4. What speed do we put the treadmill on and do we put an incline?

    5. Best speed is 5 to 6km/hr with zero incline

  2. I loved this plan and I'm definitely going to try it out next week (The day after tomorrow I'll start).
    But I don't like running and I know I'll I'll make excuses for not doing it and in the end I'll end up cheating myself. Is there any alternative of it? Like a workout or doing knees up in my bed room? Please I need an answer 🙏

    1. You can skip the runs and add a few more minutes in your power walk or do a dance wrkt or any hiit workout

  3. so can i skip walking? or is it really necessary
    thank u in advance ilysm<3

    1. Sorry no you can't walking is one of the most important workouts

  4. Is there any alternative for the walking? Can I do the 10000 steps workout by Rick instead, because my city is lockdown and I cant go out, I dont have a treadmill :(
    Thank you in advance

    1. Yeah you can do Rick's workout but for only three days a week. That is Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Other than that I would not recommend. Sometimes I find it uses too much stepping and lifting which is not ideal for me.

  5. hi ! instead of walking is it ok if spend 1 hour doing a kpop dance or do i have to stick to walking ? thank you so much for this btw !

    1. If you can do the walking, stick to it yeah. If you love to dance which is absolutely fine just replace the workout in Thursday and Tuesday with a dance.

  6. Hi, is it okay if i replace the run with skipping? or will it bulk up my leg? thank you in advance!

  7. Hi! I just wanted to ask if it is okay to eat lot's of protein or if that will also make you have big quad muscles?

    1. Hi, protein sure does can build muscle but that is if you take it in large amounts and not at a calorie deficit diet. But on the other hand a high protein diet while doing workouts like these is very key to help tone muscle just in the right places so you dont end up skinny fat.

      When I follow the program I always try to go up to 100g of protein a day and 1500 calories and that works fine for me.

  8. Can i swim for 40 min and run for 20 min a week or will it bulk up my legs.

    1. Swimming and Running are great options to lose fat quickly. If you are a mesomorph or endomorph or you simply bulk up easily combining this two is a bit tricky. I would alternate where there is swimming with walking sometimes. So if you do swimming today tomorrow do the walking.

  9. Can we do Zumba instead of walking? I get feet pain from walking

  10. Can I use an elliptical instead of walking?

    1. I would avoid. Walking on a flat ground/zero incline is ideal.

  11. Can we do inner thigh workout everyday with Sunday break?

    1. Of course, it is still work but take a little longer to see and maintain results.

  12. Hi! Wonderful workouts. Can i do power walking at home? It is not possible for me to go out and do my morning walk or even the run. Can i do it at home?

    1. Hello, thank you Karol. Yes If you can do your walking at home it is okay.

  13. i really like running and am trying to train for long distance is there any way to run long distance without bulking up your thighs because i really want to get lean and thin inner thighs as well.

    1. Long distance running is great to help with slimming down. It should not bulk. The only kind of running that usually bulk is mainly sprinting. But long distance is a good one.

  14. im training for long distance at the moment and at the start i could only run 5km si i found slowely increasing distance helps for example for 2 weeks do a distance ur comfortable with then increase that by 1km and stick with that for 1-3 weeks then increase by 1km again.

  15. I'm going to be doing track for school and I am a sprinter. Are there any before or after workouts or stretches I should do to keep the muscle slimmer? I don't think I'm going to stop sprinting for track, but I would like to know if there is any way I can continue while having slimmer calves.

    1. The best way would be walking. That is usually the best way to maintain a slim muscle. If you can do your power walks every day. You should be fine.

  16. Hii!!
    I absolutely love this workout, I have been working out to slim my lower body since last 1.5 years and haven't seen any great results. I am mesomorph, 17 years old. I just want to ask will this seriously help because I have tried almost everything to slim my legs. And if does so how long can I expect to see the results?

    1. Hello, seeing results varies. Some see some results as early as two weeks and some up to 8 weeks. Just remember that exercise is just 20%. Diet is 80%. Just make sure you eat at a calorie deficit and low carb diet

  17. Hey! I'm so happy to have watched your youtube video by chance. I wanna ask something. Doesn't running cause more muscle in our legs and a bigger image?

    1. Hi, Yes running might potentially bulk especially for endomorphs. But that happens when one overdoes it. The running I have included is not a lot so it would ideally not bulk. It is actually great for helping burn fat quickly from your legs

  18. So regarding your recommendation on walking for slimming legs down, since i have a 24 hour job at home, I am unable to do outdoor walks, will marching / power walking on the spot for approximately 60 minutes (quick pace) do the same job as an outdoor walk?

  19. Hei, and endomorph here! I have a question: is it okay if I do strength training in the evening around 7pm? I am out most of my days for uni and work. Walk would be as soon as I wake up. Thanks!


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