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Showing posts from March, 2021


I have talked endlessly about body types and why it is so important that you figure out yours before getting into a workout routine.  The reason for this is because 2 out of the 3 body types are most likely to bulk up. If you would love to take a short quiz in video format please watch the video down below Either way, I would love to run through the main features of each body type just one more time so you figure yours out; Watch out at the end of the post for personalized workout and diet guidelines for each body type. ECTOMORPHS Often tall and lanky Find it hard to gain muscle/fat Lose weight super quickly Have long limbs Have a fast metabolism Have a small bone frame Ectomorphs find your personalized workouts and diet plan in post form  here . MESOMORPHS Have an athletically build body Have a medium frame Can gain muscle quickly Can gain weight easily and lose it fast too Their bodies show some muscle definition   Mesomorphs find your personalized workout and diet guidelines  here


  I love to express my thoughts in any way I find convenient at the time. (well that is a weird way to start lol) My story with learning about lean legs and slimming down your legs started in  January 2020 after realizing I had bulked up and that was why my legs could not get smaller after all the workouts I did. If you have not read about my bulking up story read that first  here . Since it was something very close to my heart and something that really bothered me. I set up to know everything I could about bulking up and why my legs kept getting bigger. First up I did tones of research about body types and body shapes; things like are all ectomorphs rectangles? or are all mesomorphs pears? Hourglasses all this things. What I realized and have learnt is that different body types react differently to  different workouts. For instance an Endomorph who does loads of HIIT will most likely bulk up while an Ectomorph who still does the same amount of HIIT will not likely bulk up. I have di


Endomorphs. In comparison to the other two body  types,  Mesomorphs and  Ectomorphs   Endomorphs will most likely find it the hardest to lose fat in their bodies. The main reason being they have such a slow metabolism.       Still not sure about your body type, find out now by  Clicking Here One main and the biggest advantage of the endomorph body type is that with the correct type of working out they can be some of the strongest people around. (I am quite envious) So what are some of the characteristics of an Endomorph: Have small and rounded bodies Have a large bone structure Have trouble losing fat Have a slow metabolism Short and Stocky limbs. Working out for Lean legs as an Endomorph Tip 1 Avoid too much HIIT(HIIT once a week) Don't get me wrong HIIT is good but overdoing it will probably lead to you as an endomorph gaining muscle. How it works read  Here   However HIIT is great as it burns lots of calories so I would suggest just once a week. Tip 2 Running Add Running once