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                                 Welcome to the Getting Lean Blog This blog was created to help women and girls learn how to slim down their legs and channel their workout routines and diet to allow them to lose extra muscle and fat in their thighs and legs. Getting toned and lean workout program eBook is a 4-week program that should help you with that same reason. Tone up your body to be lean and without bulk. It contains day by day workouts and a meal plan that are tailored in specially for you to help you lose weight and slim down your legs  Click Here  to get the workout program.  Below are all the links to the different  posts so you can find them easily without having to scroll all the way to the bottom trying to find the free programs and specific posts Free Workout Programs 7 Days Free Lean legs workout challenge  Click Here Inner Thigh and Abs 7 day Challenge  Click Here Workout Guidelines Ectomorphs  Click Here Mesomorphs  Click Here Endomorphs  Click Here Other Posts Body
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Resistance Workouts that will not make your legs bigger

  Hello lovelies, In today's blog post we will learn about the right kind of resistance training or simply how low-impact workouts won't bulk you up. All of us have two types of muscle fibers:  Slow-twitch (type I)  Fast-twitch (type II) (stay with me) Slow-twitch muscles help enable long-endurance activities such as running, swimming, and power walking, while fast-twitch muscles fatigue faster but are used in powerful bursts of movements like sprinting, and heavy lifting. Moves that trigger those fast twitch fibers will help create a muscular (sometime bulky) physique, while moves that trigger the slow twitch fibers help you get that leaner, toned look. Lets compare these two pictures First Then look at this one, These two lovelies are both beautiful and strong. How they look is a result of the type of training done.  In my opinion in picture 1, she appears to be engaging her fast twitch muscles a lot more than in picture two. It appears there is a lot of lifting heavy w


I must start by saying that there is no workout that can be regarded as a 'bad' workout and you should avoid it because it will bulk you up. It all depends on how much you keep doing it and what muscles are mostly used. In today's blog post, let's talk about the kind of workouts that when overdone are likely to add muscle. Squats Lunges High Knees Traditional HIIT(that which includes loads of jumping) Running up a hill Using the elliptical and stair master Lifting heavy weights Jumping rope To know exactly how they add bulk please read this post  here A lot of the above workouts focus so much on the quads and hamstrings. They will probably overwork these muscles leading them to grow bigger. Maybe too much than your liking.  The key here is not to avoid them but to do them in moderation. If you do a squat as a warmup. Then that is probably not a big problem. If you do HIIT twice a week, that is also acceptable. Want to know which workouts will not bulk you up. Click Here


 I have a big issue with my Inner thighs. They are always a trouble spot for me and most of the other girls. Today, I wanted to share with you, my progress from January to May. First up is the round-up, here is the before and the after, For the longest time, since January this year, I was feeling like I did not see results until I compared my pictures. Okay let's start with one individual pic, I took in January 2022, This was in mid-January 2022, I took this picture because I wanted to challenge myself for 1 week and see whether I would see a difference in my thigh gap. Notice how there is not a big thigh gap here or at least it is very little and tiny. I did a challenge the 7 day slim legs and abs challenge. It is up there on YouTube community tab and here. One week later, I took this picture, Not a very big difference in the thigh gap but something had changed. I was very excited about this. Just goes to show what one week can do. I kept on pushing, and added my cardio days to 3


I feel like we all struggle with die t and gut health at least at some point in our lives. I am no exception. My biggest issue at first was going for junk foods. I  mean, junk food is so easy to get and yummy too. This was the late last year 2021 and the beginning of this year. I would pretty much just snack in place of eating a good wholesome meal. In particular, all my lunches were subbed with snacks soft drinks, salted nuts, cookies literally anything. Most of the time, I would just skip breakfast. It felt too much of a burden to go get some lol. (This time I was in school) This resulted in me having serious issues and they all started with getting extremely bloated once I ate something. In March, I did an article about sugar and during the process of writing it, I learned so much about the negative effects of sugar and how it affects our bodies. Sugar really is a demon! Have a read  here So I decided to stop all my junking and really focus on eating less sugar overall. Within the


Hello, One of my beautiful followers asked me for some of the healthy breakfast recipes I can suggest for her.  As this is usually a very common question, I decided to write this blog about some of the best breakfast options. Some of this can also serve as a snack. Avocado Toast. Ingredients 1/2 Avocado diced 1 Bagel halved / 2 slices of whole wheat bread (toasted) Cayenne  Salt and Pepper Method On a plate, add the avocado to the slices of toasted bread. Season with  cayenne, salt, and pepper Enjoy! Chocolate Peanut Cookies Ingredients 1/2 Cup of Dark Chocolate Chips 1/3 Cup of Maple syrup 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter Method Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl, mix the peanut butter and maple syrup until smooth. Fold in the chocolate chips. Bake in a baking tin lined with parchment paper for 5 minutes. Banana Granola Bars Ingredients 2 ripe Banana 1/2 cup of Peanut Butter 100ml Almond Milk 1 cup rolled oats Method Preheat oven to 160c/350f Peel the banana and mash with a fork In ano


  In today's blog post, we will be covering all your FAQs on how to properly slim down your legs without adding extra bulk. Question What is the best way to slim down my legs? Answer The best way to slim down is doing cardio. Especially walking and running. This blog post  here  explains how walking burns fat in the thighs. Now running also helps slim down as it is very effective in burning loads of calories within a short period. Question What is fasted cardio and does it work? Answer Fasted cardio is doing your cardio in this case a walk/run first thing in the morning before having any food. Does it work? In my opinion yes it does. When you do fasted cardio the body will not have enough carbs to burn for fuel and this will force the body to use stored fat. Which is exactly what you want. Question How do you work out? Answer I do a 3*3. This is cardio 3 days a week and resistance training 3 days a week. All my runs are usually interval runs which go for around 30 minutes and my


T oday's blog post is about how sugar affects weight loss. Let's dive right into it, when you take sugar it goes to the bloodstream right? This usually causes blood sugar spikes( well talk about it later) . The pancreas releases insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels. The more sugar you eat the more insulin is produced by the pancreas. Now insulin helps regulate blood sugar by either burning it for energy or converting and storing the excess as fat. When you keep eating a high amount of sugar, insulin levels are high and your body eventually becomes resistant to insulin. The body will not be able to burn fat and therefore store it. So, ideally, that's how sugar can make us fat. Too much of it will not be converted to energy and will be stored as fat, especially in the belly area. There are two types of sugar. Processed sugar and natural sugar. Processed sugar is found in say cookies, milkshakes, chocolates, beer, soft drinks, and so on. Natural sugar is found in frui