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                                Welcome to the Getting Lean Blog

This blog was created to help women and girls learn how to slim down their legs and channel their workout routines and diet to allow them to lose extra muscle and fat in their thighs and legs.

Getting toned and lean workout program eBook is a 4-week program that should help you with that same reason. Tone up your body to be lean and without bulk. It contains day by day workouts and a meal plan that are tailored in specially for you to help you lose weight and slim down your legs 

Click Here to get the workout program. 

Below are all the links to the different posts so you can find them easily without having to scroll all the way to the bottom trying to find the free programs and specific posts

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Workout Guidelines

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  • Body type quiz Here
  • My bulking up story Here

  • See my progress in slimming down since 2018 to now Here
I love you all so much xoxo


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A big thank you for choosing to try this 7-day workout challenge to slim down your legs. Can't promise it will be easy but it will be fun and I hope you get to see some results. -This program is an example of what is in the 4 week Getting Toned and Lean workout program and diet plan so if you love this be sure to grab the entire program  Here  later. Okay, let's start, MONDAY                               Morning(walk) Try to aim for around 5000 steps today. Best time to walk is early in the morning before having any food. (fasted cardio) You can walk at any time of the day if you cannot do it all in the morning. You can try splitting it so you do it in the morning, afternoon, and evening. You Can use a Pedometer to track steps.                                             Afternoon (workout) 10 Min Inner Thigh Blast Challenge. Do not underestimate it yet! It really burns It is a good lower body toning workout without adding excess bulk and really focuses mainly on the inner


Rachael Attard Lean Legs program for mesomorphs- In a nutshell. Mesomorphs are one of the three types of bodies.            Some  characteristics Of Mesomorphs They are well built and have an athletic figure.  They show some muscle definition.  They gain weight easily They also at times can lose weight quickly too. By the way, I have prepared a one-week workout program that will help you slim down your legs easily,you can check it out  Here               *Still not sure about your body type, find out now by  Clicking Here That been said, the Racheal Attard program for mesomorphs recommends 3 things; 1. HIIT  (3 times a week) 2. Resistance Training ( 3 times a week) 3. Low carb diet high in protein. 4. Power Walking (5 times a week)                    Let's get into the details CARDIO. Rachael Attard recommends POWER WALKING as the best form of cardio for mesomorphs. This is because walking burns so much fat without causing bulk. Power walking is basically walking for 45+ minutes


I must start by saying that there is no workout that can be regarded as a 'bad' workout and you should avoid it because it will bulk you up. It all depends on how much you keep doing it and what muscles are mostly used. In today's blog post, let's talk about the kind of workouts that when overdone are likely to add muscle. Squats Lunges High Knees Traditional HIIT(that which includes loads of jumping) Running up a hill Using the elliptical and stair master Lifting heavy weights Jumping rope To know exactly how they add bulk please read this post  here A lot of the above workouts focus so much on the quads and hamstrings. They will probably overwork these muscles leading them to grow bigger. Maybe too much than your liking.  The key here is not to avoid them but to do them in moderation. If you do a squat as a warmup. Then that is probably not a big problem. If you do HIIT twice a week, that is also acceptable. Want to know which workouts will not bulk you up. Click Here