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We all know what they say; its all about diet ,diet and more diet.

70% goes into working out and 30% goes to diet when it comes to healthy lifestyle.

Why is food so important then? Well the answer is pretty simple. What we take in our bodies is reflected outside in our appearance.

When trying to cut off some weight  try to limit carbs as much as you can. Carbs especially those that contain a lot of wheat give your body more glucose than it needs making the excess to be stored in form of glycogen and that's what we are trying to avoid in the first place.

I will now give some breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack tips for weight loss.


I don't think that I need to emphasize the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You want to feel happy and energized the entire day and start at the right note.

Try start your day with detox teas( this is very optional) .This is because they are very important in flushing out toxins and that's starting a day right.

If you can't get detox teas you can just do plain water it works as efficiently.

Examples of detox include; green tea, lemon tea, pomegranate tea, ginger tea and garlic tea.

After that you want to let that sink in for around 15 minutes before you have breakfast.

Then hop onto breakfast; at least one drink like tea or coffee

Try include a fruit in any way maybe a fruit smoothie or a fruit salad bowl.

Eggs are a great breakfast choice you make them in almost anything or just eat them as they are. Maybe Avocado toast, Deviled eggs ,omelets and so on.

Oats definitely had to be in this post. I love my oatmeal especially because it is so rich in fiber, gluten free and loaded with nutrients. You can use oat with almond milk or just plain water. You can add a mashed banana just to bring out more flavor and added nutrition. 

Nuts. Don't we all know how nutritious nuts are. They contain the best oils that our bodies need. Any kind of nuts will do; peanuts, almonds, cashews or whichever nut. Try incorporate these into your oat meal or eat that just in it's wholesome goodness.

Also bread. You knew I'd mention that, didn't you? Try to go the healthy way which is brown bread. It has more nutrient and fiber compared to the white bread. And the best part about it is that you can do anything with bread. Have fun with it. Make a toast. Add cream cheese. Make a banana sandwich, literally anything.


Some people would skip lunch especially when doing intermittent fasting. But in this case we are trying look for healthy lunch lifestyle.

I try have my lunch at around 2pm by then all my breakfast is digested and am not too far from dinner. 

I practice what I call three tablespoons of lunch. So if there's rice I'll take three tablespoons of that. 3 tablespoons of beef stew; like that.

So, let's dig into some options.

Most people who practice healthy lifestyle do vegetable salads for lunch which is honestly such a great tip.

Vegetable salads are not only healthy but also fill you up quite easily. You can try add exciting twists into your salads like adding chicken bites and plain yoghurt. Just have fun with it.

Plant proteins are also such a good lunch option. Do something creative with your beans like making baked bean cakes, or adding some flavors to your lentils and green gram. Plant proteins are the good since they are so low on cholesterol. The only problem I have with plant proteins is that they have a significantly high amount of carbohydrates in them.

When it comes to carbs you can simply do brown rice and pair that with your favorite plant protein but remember to keep in check your portions.

If you are a meaty person choose white meats like chicken and fish. Fish is particularly good since it contains healthy oils. Go for it the healthier way instead of deep frying it, simply bake it or just boil it and season with salt and pepper. Animal protein in my opinion is better compared to plant protein because it almost goes to as low as zero carbs. This way you do not have to worry about eating more carbs than you should.


Snacks are a favorite category and the best thing is that they can be eaten whenever you prefer. 

The biggest tip I'd share is substitute processed and sugary snacks for fruits/nuts.

For example, when you have a sweet craving go for strawberries, bananas or any sweet fruits. However, try give a balance when eating sweet fruit like pair that with almonds This is because sweet fruits can raise your blood pressure because of all of the sugars, so to bring that down add in nuts or do some cinnamon sprinkling on top of the fruit.

You can also opt for something like a fruit juice.


Experts say that you should not eat after 6pm which is true because you don't want to have food in your belly at night when you sleep.

It has nothing to do with losing weight, just the fact that you want your body to be able to digest all the food before you lie down.

Dinner and lunch hold a lot of similarities so I won't go into much detail here.

However, try to keep it very light and very controlled.

 After, your dinner you can do another glass of detox tea if you would love to.

And that's it for this post. Hope to see you soon.


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