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You can improve your life in 30 days by doing these eight steps every morning! Whatt

That was my very first reaction when I saw a trending-ish video that said that. To be honest I want to make the best out of my life so I decided to check it out and try it.

I did a video running through that on my YouTube channel.You can check it out here

So, lets run through it the routine quickly.
                   Step 1
       Making your bed when you wake up
Sure thing we have all heard a cleaner bed equals  a cleaner mind. It also added to say making your bed in the morning helps you not go back to bed during the day. Cool, right?

                 Step 2
   Drink a whole glass of water
Water benefits are diverse from flushing out toxins to maintaining a pH balance in our bodies. The good thing is that it is not too much to ask. I mean just a glass of water

                         Step 3
       Take a breather
Just take 3 minutes every single morning to take a breather. Just breathe in clean air.

                Step 4
   Journal for 1 min              
Journaling is such an underrated healthy habit. I never used to journal for a long time because I did not see the need for it. But when I started to journal back in 2018 ,I am able to keep track of the day and what new experience I have had and how to work on something. Trust me, You've got to try it.

             Step 5
  Write a gratitude note
For me this one is a new one. I have never thought of writing gratitude journals. Especially when it says write something even if it has not happened yet. Wow .But am in; I mean I want to improve my life.
               Step 6
  Meditate for 1 min
Should I even start to go through all the wonderful benefits of meditation. I did a simple study of how we can use meditation to stimulate our height and grow taller. You can read that Here . I love meditation and am sure you will too.

             Step 7
Exercise for 1 minute
Okay this one is not so hard just a min and we are done. Am sold.
You can do any exercise; jumping jacks,lunges,plank,squats and so on.

       Step 8
Read a book
To be honest am not so good at reading books. I actually don't do it that often. But reading books carries with it a lot of power. I think I have read 2 books my entire life!!Shocking right. But I will try get into that soon.

And you are so done with the 8 step morning routine to improve your life. Let me know in the comment section down below if you are trying it out. So long.


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