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Isabelle Mathers Workout and Diet Routine Review

Isabelle Mathers is a 22-year-old Australian model and influencer with over 1.5 Million followers on Instagram.

In today's post, I would love to share a little about her workout and diet routine to be able to understand how she maintains her body so nicely. I think she looks fabulous and does a good job doing it too.

Working Out,

Normally, Isabelle works out first thing in the morning mainly in the gym with her trainer Rachael. Her circuits involve the core, leg, booty, and arm. She will normally do around 4 to 5 exercises with 20 to 30 reps each. 

Here's an example of her core day in the gym,

Right after most of her circuits, she likes to talk walks on the treadmill, play some basketball or have a walk down to the beach. I love this as it is a way to get a bit of cardio in.

What I think about Isabelle Workouts,

I love the workouts, for an ectomorph like Mathers they really suit her body type.

However, I find that sometimes her workouts do involve too much lifting. Which I do not recommend for mesomorphs and endomorphs body types. The reason is, they can easily bulk them up.

But for anyone who is an ecto, I think it is fine to try to sneak in some of the workouts she does into your workout routine.

I also do love her cardio style. Please note that cardio is not important to ectomorphs. But it is really good to help avoid being skinny fat.

Isabelle Mathers Diet Routine,


After her workout, Mathers has a protein shake with whatever she is having for breakfast. Her favorite breakfast options are avo toast, deviled eggs, oatmeal, iced coffee and she loves to sneak in fruits during breakfast as well.

Lunch/ Dinner

She loves to make salads for lunch. Her fav is Tuna salad which is made from tuna, tomatoes, mayo, avocado, and lettuce. She also loves chicken salads and pasta.

My thoughts,

If there's something I really love if we borrowed from Isabella's page is her dedication to eating healthy. She tries to follow a very healthy routine; eating healthy through the week and then maybe getting a treat over the weekend.

Eating healthy is the number one thing when it comes to losing weight.

I love the fact that she has a protein shake in the morning after her workout. This is one of the best post-workout meals and also a good way to get fruit in.

Most of Isa's iced coffee is out of oat milk and sweetened by natural sweeteners like stevia.  I personally love this as I also try to follow a dairy-free, sugar-free diet. Drinks made this get us more nutrients than using the traditional sugar and store-bought dairy milk.

The lunch options are also really good and highly recommendable. Tuna salad for instance is packed with loads of good protein and vegetables. I believe eating a high protein is better as the body uses more calories to burn protein than fat or carbs.

Overall, I do really enjoy Isabella Mathers's workout and diet routine. All the hard work she puts into trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle clearly shows in her work and her body.

Let me know who else you'd love me to review.


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