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Showing posts from August, 2020


Rachael Attard Lean Legs program for mesomorphs- In a nutshell. Mesomorphs are one of the three types of bodies.            Some  characteristics Of Mesomorphs They are well built and have an athletic figure.  They show some muscle definition.  They gain weight easily They also at times can lose weight quickly too. By the way, I have prepared a one-week workout program that will help you slim down your legs easily,you can check it out  Here               *Still not sure about your body type, find out now by  Clicking Here That been said, the Racheal Attard program for mesomorphs recommends 3 things; 1. HIIT  (3 times a week) 2. Resistance Training ( 3 times a week) 3. Low carb diet high in protein. 4. Power Walking (5 times a week)                    Let's get into the details CARDIO. Rachael Attard recommends POWER WALKING as the best form of cardio for mesomorphs. This is because walking burns so much fat without causing bulk. Power walking is basically walking for 45+ minutes


  HOW THE BODY BURNS FAT. How the body burn fat in the first place. The body uses energy in form of adenosine triphosphate to burn fat or what is called ATP. Depending on our level of activity the body may choose to use fat or carbs for energy. That's the main point, the body can choose fats or carbs and we want the body to choose fats so that we can lose them. So, how can we let the body choose fat? It is very simple just by letting our bodies move to the fat burning zone. I talked about the fat burning zone in detail in one of my posts so be sure to check that out. When the body is in the fat burning zone it is then able to burn fat. It is usually between 60% and 70% of our normal heart rate. You can check your fat burning zone in my post about how to find your fat burning zone.  A lot of us tend to confuse between fat and carbs. Doing HIIT makes the body use carbs for energy in place of fat. This is why HIIT is not recommended if you want to slim down. LISS uses fat for energy


In my post on its all about food and the truth about belly fat, I promised to do a calorie count of some of the foods. Remember, you want to eat a diet that is calorie deficit so that you can lose some fat by letting the body use up the stored fat for energy. Ok, that said let's jump right into it. Egg Egg(1) Egg white(1) Egg yolk(1)   75 15 60 Milk Milk (250ml) Skimmed milk(250ml) Evaporated milk (1 tsp.) Condensed milk (1 tsp.)   163 88 8 23 Cereals Rice (180g) Egg noodle(dry) Egg noodle (wet) Rice noodle Macaroni(dry)   263 372 120 203 368 Fat (30g) Butter Margarine Cheese Vegetable oil Peanut oil   216 216 96 265 265 Seafood Lobster Crab Shrimp   100 90 90 Vegetables/Fruits Lettuce Cauliflower Tomato Carrot Onion Fried onion Peas


  IT IS ALL IN THE FOOD. We all know what they say; its all about diet ,diet and more diet. 70% goes into working out and 30% goes to diet when it comes to healthy lifestyle. Why is food so important then? Well the answer is pretty simple. What we take in our bodies is reflected outside in our appearance. When trying to cut off some weight  try to limit carbs as much as you can. Carbs especially those that contain a lot of wheat give your body more glucose than it needs making the excess to be stored in form of glycogen and that's what we are trying to avoid in the first place. I will now give some breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack tips for weight loss. Breakfast. I don't think that I need to emphasize the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You want to feel happy and energized the entire day and start at the right note. Try start your day with detox teas( this is very optional) .This is because they are very important in flushing out toxins and that&#


  THE TRUTH ABOUT BELLY FAT. Belly fat is one of the hardest things to lose especially in men more than in women. This is because tend to store excess fat in their belly section and women tend to store excess fat in their thighs and butt. It's so funny because even slim people(ectomorphs) will have belly fat in form of a pooch. And I can tell from my personal experience that is the most annoying thing to have and it just doesn't seem to go away. Several trainers have come up with workouts that try to reduce that but most of them won't work 100% and I'll tell you why. It is not possible to spot reduce fat. You cannot reduce fat from one area of your body. It just doesn't work. So what's the trick. Having a diet that is calorie deficit. I talked about this in my video on YouTube only proven way to reduce belly fat is eating less than what your body needs. Most men would need 2000 calories a day while most women would need 1500 a day on average. Here's what y


  THE ONLY WORKOUTS THAT WON'T BULK YOU UP. In my previous posts, I have been talking about workouts that won't bulk you up and in particular, I talked about POWER WALKING. Walking is such a great workout to slim down your thighs and get an amazing lean and long look. But there's a catch walking does not for toning up. What does then? Resistance Training does. A lot maybe don't know what resistance training is. This is a form of workout that focuses on toning up muscles without bulking them up. It is almost similar to cardio, the only difference is that resistance training is a form of LISS and Cardio is more of HIIT. If you don't understand how HIIT and LISS work is sure to check out that post.  Here Examples of resistance training workouts are the kind of workouts models do. All the workouts on my YouTube are Resistance workouts too. They are also called bodyweight training. Things like leg raise, butt kicks, leg circles, and so on. They try to focus more on to


Have you ever heard of the saying less is more? It is almost related to too many cooks spoil the broth. Let's take the saying in our context: working out. It may sound weird that I'd say working out less is far much more better than doing so much everyday. Let me explain. Some workouts end bulking us up or making us looking bigger than we wanted to look mainly because they strain our muscles so much and they grow bigger the more we keep on working out. Such workouts are swimming, running, squats, lunges, burpees basically any workout that is HIIT.I talked about HIIT in more details be sure to check that out in my other post  We are getting somewhere now, ain't we? So you may be asking should I just stay at home doing nothing and I'll get lose weight and get toned. Absolutely not. The biggest secret to losing weight is not doing crazy workouts in the gym or running miles on end every morning. The secret is in diet. But we will talk about that in another post. What shou


What's the difference between HIIT and LISS. BTW, instead of reading this you can choose you watch video  Here Probably, you've already heard about HIIT but not LISS or if not you are wondering what this two mean anyway. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and LISS stands for low intensity steady state cardio. One is of a bigger category compared to the other. Lets start with HIIT. You must be already aware of the workouts people do at the gym. The workouts that people do like squats, lunges, push ups and so on. These are all examples of HIIT. They are done very quickly and take intervals. For example, doing 10 squats then a one minute plank then 20 lunges you get it now. They usually last about 10 to 20 minutes LISS stands for workouts that are done for a very long period of time and they do not include a lot of intervals. They last for  about one hour or so. A good example is walking and slow swimming. So what's the difference, HIIT is high intensity and on


Have you heard of Kayla Itsines? She is an amazing trainer and has her own program called BBG or simply Bikini Body Guide Program which runs for 30 days. I actually did know of Kayla Itsines before learning the Lean Legs program. View this post on Instagram A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@kayla_itsines) Kayla Itsines workouts are more of HIIT which I talked about in my last blog. You can check that out h ere . Her workouts include fast and hard workouts like mountain climbers, planks, burpees, etc. To be honest with you, these workouts can be very hard to do for a beginner. Now, we talked about why we should try cutting HIIT especially for lean legs but that's what Kayla does and she doesn't bulk up she still maintains that beautifully toned figure. Here's the reason, Kayla is ectomorph and ectomorphs don't bulk up easily even after doing tons of HIIT. The thing, you want to do is to avoid bulking up. There is no reason why you should work out s


  HOW TO FIND YOUR FAT-BURNING ZONE. Today, I want to talk about how to find whether your body is in a position to burn fat or simply the fat-burning zone. Let me explain a bit, if your body has not reached the fat burning zone it is then not able to burn fat. It might be one of the reasons why you see sometimes people workout but they don't see results. Let's get into even more details. Fat burning zone works in one major way; measurement by heartbeat or heart rate. You get to the fat-burning zone when your heartbeat is between 60% and 70%. I'll show you what I mean, lets take an example of a girl aged 24 years. Reduce 220 by your age(24) 220-24=196 196 Multiply your result 0.6 and by 0.7 196*0.6=117.6 196*0.7=137.2 So, basically how to know that our girl has reached the fat-burning zone is when her heartbeat is between 117.6 and 137.2 or basically 117 and 137. Just try your calculations to find your fat-burning zone. And try to reach that point next time you are working